Elizabeth has two Masters degrees in counseling and psychotherapy. She is licensed to practice in the state of Illinois and Michigan. She is a trauma-sensitive psychotherapist and is experienced in using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) through telehealth. EMDR is an exciting new approach to traumatic feelings that can very quickly and successfully help resolve immediate trauma and clear long-term emotional blocks.
Elizabeth practices the art and science of psychotherapy, a form of listening and reflecting that engages the human capacity to heal and transform anything that undermines our mental health and wellness. Counseling creates a safe space where the story of one’s life can unfold and become open for change.
Elizabeth also specializes in couples therapy and is an experienced Marriage Friendly Therapist. Building intimacy through honest and effective resolution of conflict not only heals relationships but it’s the basic groundwork for healthy families and communities.
Couples often believe that their relationships are terrible when they are experiencing normal developmental challenges most relationships experience. Finding out that your problems are “normal” can be a huge relief and make it easier to repair the damage and grow together.
Elizabeth also offers Discernment Therapy for couples working out whether they want to repair the relationship. This is helpful when one partner is leaning away and the other is leaning in. Discernment Therapy is offered in extended blocks of time, usually 3 sequential 45-minute sessions, sometimes on the same day. Insurance is not billed for Discernment Therapy
As a specialist in couples therapy and individual therapy, she keeps a small and focused practice, where you get the serious attention you need.
As a healthcare justice advocate, Elizabeth articulates the moral imperative for communities to respond to healthcare gaps facing economically and socially disenfranchised and minoritized friends and families globally. Her experience includes building services addressing compromised mental health, the HIV epidemic, and those facing AIDS, breast cancer, diabetes, asthma, infant mortality, and complicated pregnancy. She has years of experience working with university students as they rapidly move through changes. She sensitively works with LGBT folks on empowerment in their lives and relationships.
She is a leader and ally for communities seeking to build a response to disparities in resources and outcomes for chronic diseases, mental health, and addiction issues, and the crisis in access to health care.
Call: 312-815-9607 Email: elizabethritzman @gmail.com
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